The Password Pusher JSON API documentation.

This API allows for both anonymous and authenticated access.

To authenticate, get your API token from the API token page and then apply it in your API calls as request headers:

‘X-User-Email’: “<email>”

‘X-User-Token’: “<token>”


curl -X DELETE -H “X-User-Email: <email>” -H “X-User-Token: <token>”


File Pushes
Interact directly with file pushes. This feature (and corresponding API) is currently in beta.

Resource Description
GET /f/:url_token.json Retrieve a file push.
POST /f.json Create a new file push.
GET /f/:url_token/preview.json Helper endpoint to retrieve the fully qualified secret URL of a push.
GET /f/:url_token/audit.json Retrieve the audit log for a push.
DELETE /f/:url_token.json Expire a push: delete the files, payload and expire the secret URL.
GET /f/active.json Retrieve your active file pushes.
GET /f/expired.json Retrieve your expired file pushes.

Interact directly with password pushes.

Resource Description
GET /p/:url_token.json Retrieve a push.
POST /p.json Create a new push.
GET /p/:url_token/preview.json Helper endpoint to retrieve the fully qualified secret URL of a push.
GET /p/:url_token/audit.json Retrieve the audit log for a push.
DELETE /p/:url_token.json Expire a push: delete the payload and expire the secret URL.
GET /p/active.json Retrieve your active pushes.
GET /p/expired.json Retrieve your expired pushes.

URL Pushes
Interact directly with URL pushes. This feature (and corresponding API) is currently in beta.

Resource Description
GET /r/:url_token.json Retrieve a URL push.
POST /r.json Create a new URL push.
GET /r/:url_token/preview.json Helper endpoint to retrieve the fully qualified secret URL of a push.
GET /r/:url_token/audit.json Retrieve the audit log for a push.
DELETE /r/:url_token.json Expire a push: delete the payload and expire the secret URL.
GET /r/active.json Retrieve your active URL pushes.
GET /r/expired.json Retrieve your expired URL pushes.